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Yoga Equipment and accessories

Yoga Equipment and Accessories – The Must have list

In this Pandemic situation where we must increase our immune system and fitness, going outside might be a risky encounter. So we though why don’t you start your Yoga exercise at Home. To start renovating your empty room into a brand new Yoga room, you need few essential Yoga Equipment and Accessories. In this series of posts we will give you the complete buying guides of each and every Yoga Equipment and Accessories from online, so you don’t need to step outside. But before that you need to know which of the following things you need for your Yoga session and buy only those. Without correct Yoga Equipment and Accessories your meditation will not be perfect and it might also gives you headache. So read the following list to know more about it.

Meanwhile to check the details of the items on Amazon, you can click on the names of the items and check it on Amazon.

Essential yoga studio equipment:

1. Yoga Mats

2. Straps

3. Blankets

4. Blocks

5. Bolsters

6. Chairs

7. Meditation cushions

8. Eye pillows (tissues or washable cloth to cover them)

9. Mat cleaning wipes

10. Tissue papers

11. Strong flooring

12. Temperature control, fans, portable heaters if needed

13. Battery operated / Scented candles

14. Chime, bells, or gong (for bringing people out of corpse pose, or silent meditation)

15. Essential oil diffuser

16. Yoga CD’s

17. Incense sticks

18. Matches

19. Lighting system that allows for dimming

20. Effective sound system

21. Salt lamp – they purify air and look lovely

22. Sandbags

Essential equipment for yoga learners:

1. Always wear comfortable clothing

2. Shorts

3. Capris

4. Tanks for Men & for Women

5. Pullover

6. Yoga pants

7. Sports Bra

8. Yoga Tops

Now that you know all the essentials you need to buy for your Home Yoga sessions, you need to finalize the items which you need and order them from Amazon or Flipkart. Even you can try the local stores if you want the hands on experience before you pay for it. For those who don’t want to go outside, they can also try Amazon Prime Memberships and eligible products will be delivered within 1-2 days of order.

So, finally we have reached to the end and hopefully after reading the Yoga Equipment and Accessories list you can pick the best that fits your needs. If you have any queries or suggestions regarding the my list of Yoga Equipment and Accessories – The Must have list or even want to share your opinion about it, feel free to do it in the comment below and help Your First Review to grow. Join me on Twitter or join us on Facebook Page even for recommended deals you can also join us on Telegram Group. See you soon!